Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Post doc advert in the Azorean team

The Azorean Biodiversity Group (cE3c – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes) will open several Post-Doc positions during 2015 and 2016. The number and timing of these positions will depend on the availability of competitive candidates. We are looking for outstanding, highly motivated scientists working on the following research areas:
- “Island Macroecology and Conservation”.
In recent projects we have generated some very large and comprehensive biodiversity datasets for many field sites in Azores (projects BALA, EDEN, ISLAND-BIODIV, MOVECLIM, ATLANTISMAR, IMPACTBIO). We aim now to perform a synthesis project to bring together these datasets for combined spatial based analysis. The kinds of questions we are interested in are looking at the effect of global changes on biodiversity and ecosystem services and comparing the importance of different environmental drivers of alpha and beta diversity between trophic levels and at different spatial scales.
The research should contribute to the solution of urgent environmental problems and H2020 challenges. The researchers will work in Azores (Univ. of Azores), to carry out long-term research (36-72 months), and amounts to c. 1650 EUR per month, which includes contribution towards social security and liability insurance. Seed money will be available to facilitate the establishment of these research lines and it is expected that the candidates apply to national and international funds to conduct long-term research within Azorean Biodiversity Group (cE3c).

Candidates profile:
-          Excellent doctorate degree, completed preferentially no more than 6 years prior to the application;
-          Ability to manage large datasets and have the skills to perform complex ecological modelling using R in a macroecological research framework;
-          Compelling independent past scientific achievement and publications in international peer-reviewed journals (quality of key publications specified in the application: applicant’s contribution in cases of multiple authorship);
-          Potential to obtain a leading position in island research and Macroecology (originality, degree of innovation in key publications);

Knowledge of the Portuguese languages is not mandatory, but it is expected that non-Portuguese applicants learn Portuguese during the duration of the fellowship.
We wish to receive applications that include the candidate CV and one-page concept describing how your past research will fit the above-listed research topics.
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